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Psycho kid Wiki
Post Date May 27, 2016
Duration 32:09
Genre Vlog
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"Jesse struggles to film by himself and apologizes to Corn."

THE HARVEST! is a vlog uploaded onto the McJuggerNuggets YouTube channel on May 27, 2016.


The video starts with Jesse playing a puppet show with Demma. While Jesse tries to hide his hand from the shot he moves it to where Jesse's girlfriend's things were placed and continues with the show. He gets mad at Demma and complains on how it was the right choice to sell-out Corn. After this, he decides to sneak-up on his dad. We can see Jeffrey Sr. reading an article, writing something down and going to the basement to get a beer. Jesse follows him and as Jeffrey Sr. starts to open up the safe, Jesse says curses a little too loud for Jeffrey Sr. to hear it. The latter screams at Jesse and makes a new rule: he can only film in his room. 

While in his room, Jesse continues to talk to Demma and calls Corn. Corn then comes to the house and explains Jesse and to the audience that it is all cool. While Corn enters Jesse's room through the window, Jeffrey Sr. comes out of the door and starts to chase Corn with a bat, demanding him to get off his property.

While Jeffrey Sr. wildly chases Corn, Jesse tries to follow them. Meanwhile he calls Corn and latter says he is at the dirt road, near Mr. H's house. Jesse and Corn meet and while Corn grabs the camera, dramatically, Jeffrey Sr. appears over Jesse's shoulder. Jesse says to ignore him and Jeffrey Sr. starts ranting about how Corn wasn't suppose to be there. Meanwhile the argument, Jesse confesses that it his fault why the videos are on the Internet. Now, Jesse has to decide between going to his father or his best friend, but he ends up being "dragged" home with his father leaving a very perplex Corn behind. Meanwhile the way home, Jesse points the camera down and Jeffrey Sr. can be heard ranting more about the whole situation.

The video cuts to both Jeffrey Sr. and Jesse going downstairs to the basement. Jeffrey Sr presents "the Ridgid Studios" pointing to the old fan-mail storage room and aggressively says that Jesse can only film there.

At the end of the video both two make a bet: If Jesse goes "crying" to his father's "lap" about not taking anymore, Jesse will have to mow lawns with Jeffrey Sr. and let him being his boss. If Jesse goes throughout the two weeks without complaining, Jeffrey Sr. gets his room stuff back, including the car.


