Psycho kid Wiki
Psycho kid Wiki
"Please Note: We the users of Psycho Kid Wikia do not promote any religion or religious preference, nor do we promote any political standpoints. "
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I am glad to be back. It finally seems that Jesse has listened to us fans! Even better, we get to travel with Parker for a whole week! But could this good fortune last before a tyrannial government shuts it all down? That's right folks, our new president could be SO powerful that he will use his cabinet to censor or perhaps even ban any entertainment on the Internet or television not having to do with the Christian religion. But Rush, you're overreacting, he only assumed last Friday and he's already going to enact far-right religous law onto this great nation? No, not immediately, but down the road he very well could. 

You see, the Secretary of Education, Betsy DeVos, is a Fundamentalist who will probably force all public schools to have mandatory Christian prayer, with petitions to get this enacted. Once this happens, there will be petitions to ban all non-Christian music. DeVos will ban all secular (non-religious) music as well as all Rock music (I guess that means no more listening to Rush for me). After this bill passes, there will be petitions for the president and for DeVos to ban all YouTube videos not having to do with the Christian religion in a positive manner, meaning that McJuggerNuggets, PewDiePie, Angry Grandpa and more will ALL be banned. It also means no more GoAnimate grounded videos or watching movies above the PG-Rating . These extremists really do exist. If you don't believe me, look up Darrell Trigg

I hope honest to goodness that none of this shit ends up happening all due to a result of school-prayer being reactivated. We as a nation must stop Christian Sharia from ever happening to save YouTubers like McJuggerNuggets plus those mentioned above from going out of business, as well as for our everyday lives! In other words, I DO hope I am overreacting. I am just here to spread the word of what could potentially become the Internet. 
